Roadworks at the Lindsay and Tamar Street intersection may impact access times at the Museum. When planning your visit, we recommend allowing extra time for arrival and departure.
Planning your next visit to QVMAG? Stay up to date with our holiday opening hours throughout December and January here.
Opening hours
Join the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery History team as we explore the history behind your family heirlooms.
Do you have a special family object? Do you own a 'thing' which is really interesting but you don't know anything about it? Do you like beer?
If your answer to any of this is 'Yes', you will enjoy Gems or Junk with QVMAG History Curator, Jon Addison as he answers your curly questions about the history of interesting items you might own.
It's like a travelling antique fair, but without valuations and with beer.
Book free tickets online
Kings Bridge Bar and Restaurant, 147 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, View Map
147 Paterson Street , Launceston 7250