Curator/Artist/Community Conversations: Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei
Are the new QVMAG Royal Park permanent galleries a space for peace and reconciliation? Join a floor talk to contribute to the conversation.
Join Iranian-born artist Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei and QVMAG Senior Curator Ashleigh Whatling for a floor talk that explores the new QVMAG Royal Park permanent galleries for the Tamar Peace Festival 2021.
The new display creates a space for peace and aims to change the colonial narrative that has dominated Tasmanian Galleries since the 19th century.
The reinterpretation of QVMAG’s collection reflects our histories, identities and stories in a fresh and contemporary context. Focusing on local Aboriginal cultures, colonial history and modern diversity, this exhibition encourages us to contemplate the ever-changing cultural landscape and our sense of belonging within it.
As part of the transformation of Royal Park, QVMAG commissioned Mehrangiz to create the work Windows in collaboration with women who have migrated to Launceston from the Middle East.
Through Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei's eyes we invite you to re-think our story and our sense of belonging to place.
In partnering the Tamar Valley Peace Festival 2021 we open an honest conversation with our community. Has our attempt at diversifying the gallery succeeded?
Is it truly contributing to peace?
Join in an open conversation between curator, artist and community.
Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei is a Launceston-based creative visual artist and community arts practitioner.
Born in Tehran, Iran she has spent the last 28 years visiting, living, studying and working at different places in East Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America finally settling in Australia.
Whilst conducting research and teaching at UTAS, Mehrangiz coordinates workshops and exhibitions in support of the community. Through her experiences she has been exposed to different media, materials, and art styles such as Persian calligraphy, Chinese artwork and Western painting.
Mehrangiz’s global exposure has developed an understanding of diverse socio-cultures and has deeply impacted on how she designs and delivers artworks.
Her works intend to materialise non-material cultural elements by combining metaphorical and symbolic objects that embrace rituals, customs, feelings and the exchange of values.
Ashleigh Whatling is QVMAG's Senior Curator of Visual Art and Design. She has delivered more than 30 exhibitions since arriving in Launceston, most recently the Summer Season and new Royal Park permanent display for QVMAG.
Ashleigh hails from Adelaide where she received her Double Masters of Art History and Museum and Curatorial Studies and formed the foundation of her professional practice working at Samstag Museum of Art for 5 years.
Saturday, 07 August 2021 | 10:30 AM
- 12:30 PM
Art Gallery at Royal Park, 2 Wellington Street, Launceston, 7250, View Map
2 Wellington Street ,
Launceston 7250
Art Gallery at Royal Park
2 Wellington Street ,
Launceston 7250
Curator/Artist/Community Conversations: Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei