QVMAG Arts Foundation

The QVMAG Arts Foundation supports the development of the Fine and Decorative Art Collections of QVMAG.
The Foundation is the primary source of funds for the acquisition of works for these collections. Since 1985, through the generosity of the Launceston community and with the support of the Tasmanian Government, more than $1.25 million has been raised and in excess of 140 artworks have been acquired for QVMAG.
The Foundation supports the Masterpieces for Tasmania Fund. We invite you, through the QVMAG Arts Foundation, to support this great institution.
Donations can be made over one or more years with all contributions more than $2.00 tax deductible. We welcome all contributions, and if you would like to give more you can do so under the following membership categories:
- General Member — donation of $1,000
- Fellow — donation of $5,000
- Benefactor — donation of $10,000
- Trustee — donation of $25,000
- Governor — donation of $50,000
Visit the QVMAG Art Foundation's website to donate
Masterpieces for Tasmania Fund
The Masterpieces for Tasmania is an annual appeal that gives everyone the opportunity to help QVMAG to acquire a masterpiece for the QVMAG collection.
In this way Tasmanians from all corners of the state have the chance to have a permanent, immediate and important impact on the development of what is an art collection of national significance.
The Masterpieces for Tasmania appeal was officially launched in 2013. This initiative has brought together individual donors from not only the immediate Launceston region but all over Tasmania. The program is building a wonderful legacy for future generations.
The Masterpieces for Tasmania Collection includes:
- 2013-14 Fred Williams, Potboil Shoals, Flinders Island, 1974-75
- 2015-16 Rick Amor, Erith and Deal Island, Bass Strait, 2014
- 2018-19 Ben Quilty, Development Application – John Glover, 2017
- 2021-22 Raymond Arnold, Elsewhere World, 2021
Visit the QVMAG Art Foundation's website to learn more
If you'd like more information or assistance in making a donation(PDF, 3MB) please call 6323 3777 or email foundation@qvmag.tas.gov.au