Behind the scenes with Tassie artist Georgia Lucy


Images: Georgia Lucy, Old Rocking Chair, 2023.Chicken wire, Mercury Newspaper Real Estate Guide - paper and pulp, PVA glue, prune pits, house keys, wool. Dimensions variable.

The latest event at the Queen Victoria Museum at Inveresk will take visitors behind the scenes with Tasmanian artist Georgia Lucy.  

Featured within the 2024 Women’s Art Prize Tasmania exhibition currently on display at QVMAG, Lucy will share her artistic journey that led her to be selected as a finalist in this year's competition.  

This free event on Saturday 15 June at the Museum at Inveresk will explore Lucy’s work entitled ‘Old Rocking Chair’ within the 2024 showcase, alongside a conversation with the artist on how she seeks to challenge the audience interacting with her work.  

“In 1973, Prime minister Gough Whitlam and the Australian council of the Arts launched a competition for a new national anthem to replace God save the queen. 2,500 lyric entries and 1,300 music entries were received. All were rejected. Give me a home among the gum trees was Wally Jonson and Bob Brown’s failed entry. It remains a tune that if spontaneously sung on a bus, most likely, someone else will know it,” Lucy said.  

“Old Rocking Chair is my entry into the Tasmanian Women’s Art Prize. It is a homage to this failed anthem entry and the song’s contents of pining for a home. Like housing for women in Australia right now this is not a sturdy chair. It doesn’t even rock right. It jerks, it hurts. It's made of pulped copies of the Tasmanian real-estate guide. House keys jingle and jangle pathetically.” 

Lucy is a multidisciplinary artist whose output is both personal and culturally critical. Her art re-uses and re-incorporates, using existing materials and forms to engage with humour, communities, and the transformative potential of risk.  



Women's Art Prize Tasmania 2024: In conversation with Georgia Lucy 

  • FREE entry, registration via 

  • 2pm to 3pm, Saturday 15 June 

  • Museum at Inveresk (2 Invermay Road, Launceston) 



Celebrating the talent and diversity of women artists practicing throughout this state, the Women’s Art Prize Tasmania is the state’s only female art competition which provides an important platform to showcase their work. The prize aims to inspire, facilitate and celebrate the development of professional and emerging women artists in Tasmania. 
The 2024 Women's Art Prize Tasmania exhibition is currently on display at the Queen Victoria Museum at Inveresk until 7 July 2024 with free entry.