This Vanishing World: Photography of Olegas Truchanas

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This is the story of a man who loved Tasmania’s wild places.

For twenty years, Olegas Truchanas explored Tasmania's remote South West, with great physical and mental endurance. His photographic skill enabled him to share his personal experiences with others.

Born in 1923, Olegas grew up in Lithuania, a country invaded three times by two different nations. In January 1949, he migrated to Australia, and after a month at a displaced persons camp in Victoria, moved to Tasmania.

Motivated by a love of nature and natural beauty, Olegas Truchanas' legacy is told here in with carefully selected images to celebrate his birth just over 100 years ago.

Through the lens of his camera, This Vanishing World shares the journey of Olegas Truchanas and his campaign to expand awareness of Tasmania’s unique and endangered south-west in the 1950-70’s, which helped inspire an ongoing environment protection movement.

This exhibition acknowledges the influence of his work on talented wilderness photographers who continue to represent endangered wild country.

This exhibition is accompanied by a beautiful new publication, available from the QVMAG Shop in-store and online.

Museum at Inveresk

13 July 2024 — 20 July 2025

Free entry